Equipping a new generation
of Catholic LEADERS.

And setting them in motion...

We're building a training platform that not only provides practical training, but also connects you to other high school aged leaders across the country.


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Why are ProjectYM and Kinetic Catholic the
for this project?

  1. ProjectYM has 7+ years of experience building, growing, and running a thriving online community platform.
  2. ProjectYM has a network of thousands of Catholic youth ministry leaders, so we've got framework to get this into the hands of lots of teenagers.
  3. The ProjectYM talks to youth ministers across the country everyday, so we know the unique needs of parish ministries as they search for young leaders.
  4. The Kinetic Catholic team is made up of young people, fresh out of high school, so they "get it" – they understand the struggles and frustrations of being a young Catholic leader in the world today.
  5. The Kinetic Catholic team has been producing and sharing video content with young people for years – and have reached and equipped THOUSANDS of Catholic teenagers to put their faith in motion.
  6. The Kinetic Catholic team are currently "walking the walk" – they're living out the very same principles we'll be teaching to high school students.
  7. We've got supporters just like you who are willing to partner with us to make this project a reality.

We need your help to make Thrive Students possible...

ProjectYM is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Donations are tax deductible.

Made by Michael Marchand